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Willie Nelson confirms reason he’s still touring at 90 years old

Despite having entertained crowds for more than sixty years, Willie Nelson has no intention of slowing down.

Later this month, the legendary singer-songwriter will turn 90 years old, yet he keeps working just as hard as he always has, creating amazing songs and ensuring that his devoted fans have every opportunity to see him perform live.

In fact, Nelson will commemorate his approaching significant birthday while on tour.

Nelson secured his first significant recording contract with Liberty Records back in 1962. In a recent interview with AARP, the celebrity spoke about the possibility and said that while employment wasn’t essential for him, it was still beneficial.

“Working is really good for me, no matter what kind of show it is,” he said.

“The fact that I’ll be there for two days with a lot of my good friends coming out…saying hello and singing with me makes it a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to it.”

There is a difference between performing live music on a multi-show tour and appearing in film or television roles or lending your voice to a project, even though the phenomenon of high-profile entertainers continuing to perform well past the age of retirement isn’t anything wildly new. Examples include Dick Van Dyke (97), Michael Caine (89), and David Attenborough (96).

Yet Nelson still manages to schedule events and put on fantastic performances. Not bad for a man who is rapidly approaching the ninth decade of his life on Earth!

The country music performer spoke on the possibility of turning 90:

“Norman Lear, a good friend of mine, turned 100 not long ago, and I told him, ‘I’ve been telling everybody it’s just a number,” the singer told AARP. “Am I right?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, it’s just a number.’”

The Texas-born star also said that he’s always ready to get back on the tour bus and go and play new venues.

“Jokingly, I retire after every tour,” Willie said. “But I’m always ready to go back again. I like the bus. I have everything I need on the bus. I never have to go into a hotel room anywhere. It’s not that bad.”

Even though it might not be terrible, I find it amazing that Willie Nelson still has the stamina to perform in front of so many people under the pressure!

His voice, too? If I sound half as well as he does at that age, and assuming I live that long to begin with, I’ll be a very happy man.

Nelson has sang for such a long time that it’s amazing he can still croon like he always could.

“I think singing is good for my voice,” he even said in a recent interview.

“I don’t do anything to harm it much anymore. If you don’t use it, you lose it.”

Willie Nelson has turned 90 today, and I’d like to wish him a very happy birthday and many more.

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