
This Is How a Doctor Sneaks Away From His Wife

When a man gets married, his time is no longer fully his own.

This is only natural. Of course, our ladies want a lot of our time. They married us, after all, and that means that hopefully, they like us at least a little bit.

However, people are individuals with their own interests.

My wife would be the first to tell you that she enjoys her time alone, for example. I don’t need a lot of time away from my wife, but I do enjoy playing a video game or watching anime occasionally, both of which are activities my wife doesn’t enjoy. It’s important that people have their own thing that belongs to just them. With that said, some people have to be creative when they’re trying to get away. Enjoy this hilarious wholesome joke.

The Phone Rings In Dr. Stein’s House.

It’s 10 pm when the phone rings in Dr. Stein’s house.

“It’s Dr. Gold,” says his wife, passing him the phone. “I do hope it’s not another emergency.”

Dr. Stein takes the phone and says, “Hi, what’s up?”

“Don’t worry, everything’s OK,” replies Dr. Gold.

“It’s just that I’m at home with Dr. Lewis and Dr. Kosiner. We’re having a game of bridge and we’re short one player so we thought you might like to come over and join us?”

“Sure …. yes, of course,” replies Dr. Stein, putting on a serious voice,

“I’m leaving right now.” and he puts down the phone.

“What’s happened?” his wife asks, with a worried look.

“It’s very serious,” Dr. Stein replies. “They’ve already called three doctors.”

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