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What He Found At Home Surprised Everyone

Owner of Nick’s Extreme Pest Control in California, Nick Castro, has over 20 years of experience in the pest control business.

In his work, he has witnessed many peculiar things, but recently he learned of a finding that astounded him.

Castro was called to a property to deal with a woodpecker that was storing acorns in the holes it made in the siding, causing damage to the siding.

He encountered an endless stream of acorns gushing out when he cut into the wall to extract the nuts.

Castro told The Dodo, “They just kept coming and coming, non-stop.”

“It was estimated that Acorns were only about one-fourth of the way up the wall. It turned out that they were piled so high they reached the house’s attic.

Castro made additional holes around the house, but the acorns continued to pour out, weighing a total of almost 700 pounds and filling eight huge trash bags.

The pest control specialist claimed that the bird had left acorns all over the property, leaving obvious woodpecker holes everywhere.

Castro remarked, “You’d think this bird had food caches all over.”

“The holes the bird had caused had entirely ruined the house’s façade. Acorns were piled up on the trim and siding.

The bird, according to Castro, was “crazy.”

He was actually there when we were, filling up the holes he made, the man claimed.

After drilling countless holes in the wood siding surrounding the chimney stack with acorns, the bird flew via the attic ventilation port holes.

“Acorns were piled from the lower floor to about 20 feet up into the attic,” Castro remarked.

The company’s policy is that “all animals are handled humanely and never euthanized,” and this was no different in this instance.

The homeowners just mended the holes outside the house and left the woodpecker alone.

It was hoped that by installing new vinyl siding, the bird would be inspired to choose a new location to keep its food. This would be beneficial for the bird because all of its hard effort searching for acorns was being in vain.

Castro remarked, “I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

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