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Nurse takes pic of elderly woman’s hand – detail in the picture makes the net boil

Brandalyn Mae Porter works as a nurse at a retirement home in Texas, USA, who clearly has a very positive impact on the residents there.

With her simple and straightforward way, she’s known to make them feel comfortable at all times.

Now a very special picture Brandalyn took of one of the resident’s hands is spreading online like wildfire.

The is Brandalyn.

One day while at work, she was helping a new resident wash up and decided to paint her nails. Pretty soon, Brandalyn managed had managed to put her in a wonderful mood.

Her story was soon shared on Facebook page LoveWhatMatters, and the post has since garnered huge response. She writes:

“Today I painted a new resident’s nails at work and as we were going over colors, she mentioned she wanted clear. The only thought that came to my mind was ‘CLEAR?! That’s no fun.’ I asked her why she wanted clear and she said, ‘My hands are ugly, I don’t want to draw attention to them.’ I then carefully responded with, ‘Your hands tell the story of your life. They tell the story of love, of care and adventure. These hands have touched and held things that most people can only wish to one day.’ And with that, she went with the color pink for her nails.

Sometimes what we are so insecure with, others find beauty in.

Thanks to Brandalyn’s beautiful and important words, she succeeded in convincing the woman that it was ok to paint her nails — not only because her hands were beautiful, but because they revealed years of experience. And for the rest of the day, she could proudly show off her beautiful hands — alongside her rosy nail polish of course!

It’s thanks to people like Brandalyn that the world can be a wonderful place. People like Brandalyn dedicate their lives to make others feel good every day of the year.

Healthcare professionals really deserve greater recognition than they get, and Brandalyn is truly an example; that’s why I’m sharing her story further. A big THANK YOU to Brandalyn and all the healthcare heroes out there!


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