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An Old Man Teaches A Young Punk A Lesson

One thing that I think most of us are familiar with is the generation gap. It is something that tends to divide people from one generation to another.

The generation gap is also something that can put people at odds with each other, as not every generation is happy with the group of people that came before them or after them.

That is what we see in the following joke. It is sure to make you chuckle but, at the same time, there is a lot of truth to it that will make you nod your head in agreement.

A 71-year-old man made the trip back to his old college to take one last look around campus again before he settled into retired life.

As he got to the campus he saw a young man studying hard, and the sight brought back memories.

He sat on the bench beside the lad but was surprised when the kid started spouting off at him.

“You old geezer. Your generation will never understand my generation,” the kid lectured. “You grew up in a different world. In fact, your world is almost primitive compared to mine,” the student said.

“Is that right?” the elder man said.

“The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, microwaves. I can carry hundreds of books on a tiny chip in my cell phone. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing, and,” he paused to take swig of beer.

The senior took advantage of the break in the student’s litany and said,

“You’re right, son. We didn’t have those things when we were young – so we invented them. Now, you arrogant little bastard, what are you doing for the next generation?”

The student fell completely silent and all the people around them cheered!

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