Service dog gets his own honorary diploma after helping owner through college
It’s graduation time again, and many proud students are collecting their diplomas and celebrating years of hard work. But at Seton Hall University, there was an unexpected — and adorable — face among the grads.
A service dog named Justin, who belongs to graduating student Grace Mariani, walked on stage to receive an honorary diploma after helping his owner through classes for the past four years.
According to the university, Grace, from Mahwah, New Jersey, earned a Bachelor of Science in Education degree. Justin was by his owner’s side all the way, accompanying her to all of her classes.
When Grace, who uses a wheelchair, accepted her degree on stage at the Prudential Center in Newark, Justin stole the show by accompanying her — and received his very own honorary degree!
The audience went wild as the good dog was handed the rolled-up degree by Seton Hall President Joseph E. Nyre, happily grabbing it in his mouth.
According to Gray News/TMX, Grace plans to teach elementary school and special education — and will continue to have her loyal dog Justin by her side all the way.
Watch the heartwarming video below:
Seton Hall President Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D. presents Justin, the service dog for Grace Mariani, of Mahwah, NJ, with a diploma for attending all of Grace’s classes at Seton Hall.
— Seton Hall (@SetonHall) May 23, 2023
Service dogs are truly invaluable to the people who need them, and Justin did an amazing job getting his friend through school the past four years — he definitely earned his degree! We can’t wait to see what these two do next!
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